Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | His Forever (Soveregn Grace).pro

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His Forever (Soveregn Grace).pro
Orig Key: D | New Key:

Title: His Forever (Sovereign Grace)

Key: D

Verse 1

D                G   D                    A     G
Jesus Friend of sinners loved me ere I knew Him 
D                 G        D
Drew me with His cords of love
Em7               A  D
Tightly bound me to Him
D/F#                        G         A
'Round my heart still closely twined  
    D/F#                  Bm   A
The ties that none can sever   
    D               Asus  Bm
For I am His and He is mine 
    Em7           A   D   A  G
Forever and forever              

Verse 2

D                   G  D
Jesus Friend of sinners
   D                      A          G
A crown of thorns You wore for me    
D                       G   D
Bruised for my transgressions
Em7                 A     D
Pierced for my iniquities 
     D/F#                  G   A
The Wrath of God that I deserved
     D/F#                  Bm   A
Was poured out on the innocent  
    D                    A     Bm
He took my place my soul to save
     Em7           A    D
Now I am His forever       

Verse 3

E                   A E                   B   A
Jesus Friend of sinners I love to tell the story
   E                    A E
Redeeming love has been my theme
     F#m            Bsus  E
And will be when in glory 
     E/G#                 A2  Bsus
Not death nor life nor anything
    E/G#         C#m   B
Can ever separate me   
   E                     B    C#m
O love that will not let me go
     F#m7        Bsus   E
Yes I am His forever    
     E/G#                 A2  Bsus
Not death nor life nor anything
    E/G#       C#m Bsus
Can ever separate me
   E                     B     C#m
O love that will not let me go 
     F#m7         Bsus  E
Yes I am His forever